Saturday, July 21, 2007

the nba scandal

i can't wait for the "so what if i was fixing games to make money? at least i wasn't instructing the entire ref corps to fix games to get tv ratings" cut-off-the-nose-to-save-the-face move in the next few weeks. even if it's not true this guy might as well make the most out of his already soiled name and bring down the rest of the nba with him. ...right?

1 comment:

The Iceman Goeth said...

In two years this guy will have a made-for-TV movie out, a book deal, toured the talk show circuit and made 10x the money of any other referee. Expect more behavior like this. Then Vince McMahon buys the NBA, and Hitman comes out of retirement to play PG for the Bucks. I swear to god, this is going to happen.