Friday, October 5, 2007

the office

episode one had kind of a pathetically slow first half hour, but they picked it up at the end. episode two was pretty decent, but again a bit too slow. how do they expect to make thirty quality episodes if on top of that they're trying to make a bunch of them an hour long? and why make it an hour long if you only have a half hour of jokes? nonetheless i am glad to see that they're diving in head first with this pam/jim thing, because it was getting dangerously close to noxious. it may fail, but at least they grew some much needed cajones. when did this show become so relationship-y outside of the pam/jim thing, by the way?

and is michael going to sue garmin? they have video evidence of him actually being stupid enough to allow the gps to cause him to drive the car into the lake. they should sue.

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