Monday, November 23, 2009

jussum updatez

curb finished last night, perhaps for good. if it was, it was the perfect series finale (granted, i didn't watch most of the series...yet.). not the funniest episode, but great closure for seinfeld fans (even if the actual seinfeld episode sucked, and the only good part was the rewrite that didn't actually get to air). i'm surprised they didn't address cheryl sucking, though. and larry as george was amazing.
last week's was also a week episode, but also good for cannon, and had the funniest moment of the season with duperstein.

south park is unreal this season.

sunny's pretty damn good, too, but starting to feel the tiniest bit stale.

dexter is a terribly put together show, but lithgow is amazing, and the show is still captivating. it's just sooo overdone, though.

friday night lights doesn't have the nostalgia of season 1, but is still amazing.

the office: is DM going under? my guess is that they get taken over by vance refrigeration, and all are given jobs there, with phyllis as the new boss (that's the only limitation to that plot idea, but it could work to their advantage).

californication also isn't having its best days, but i'm yet to watch this week's. we'll see.

Friday, November 6, 2009

'da zeitgeist

i'd love to make aggro a regular thing again. we'll see.

a few quick updates, before the real post:

-amazing south park season so far.

-sunny has been fantastic (besides the product placement ep, which still had its bright spots). it's a show that's begging to get old quickly, but it's not--it's saying extremely fresh. much respect for that writing staff.

-john lithgow is amazing in dexter. the season as a whole is okay.

-californication is constantly evolving and constantly good. hank's just too good of a character. he's our generation's don draper. and they fulfilled my boyhood fantasy of seeing the girl from saved! naked. nudity.

-mad men. i don't even need to go there. we all know it's the best.

-friday night lights season is too young for judgment (i only watched the first ep so far, and i was distracted. ep 2 coming immediately after this post.) UPDATE: how did i not see this's district 5 and banks all over again. the miiiighty ducks!

-degrassi might as well be called the next next generation now. i'm digging this set of characters, but i find it hard to believe that some of them are who they play (for instance, the blond nerdy girl whose name i always forget [darcy's sister, i think? claire?] wouldn't get the guy with the temper problem whose name i also always forget).

-i've always had a problem with curb your enthusiasm's improv, and have never been able to get past the first episode or two of season one, but i'm giving this season a try and loving it. the weakest part by far is the seinfeld reunion (the first time they're all seen together again on the set is the most anti-climatic reunion i've ever seen). hysterical show, though, even if it is often annoying.

-the office is no longer a comedy, but it's still a good show.

and now, on to the post.

if you're looking for a tangible way to understand zeitgeist, look no further than your television at 3am. we haven't seen infomercials this popular since amazing discoveries, and we can actually track their progression into the zeitgeist. the magic bullet at 2am in college, snuggy on 30 rock (or so i'm told), billy mayes's death...infomercial hosts were this halloween's joker. they're officially something to be mentioned in "i love 2009."

and if you've never seen shop erotic, tivo it at least once.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


in preparation for the summer gig, i've been watching all of smallville, beginning to end (i'm currently staring at a paused frame from episode 7.14). i was a fan of the show when it started, but hadn't partaken in a while. to my (mild) surprise, the show's is fantastic. they do an incredible job blending genres, and constantly keep the origin story interesting. it has its annoying procedural elements, and often is full of horrible acting, but when its at its best (seasons 2-6) it is a wondefully crafted almost-greek tragedy with multiple parallel, illuminating narratives about heros' journies, father/son relationships, and love. episode 5.12 is one of the best i've ever seen on tv.

another impressive feat worth mentioning is that the show has managed to keep dramatic irony interesting this entire time. i know who's going to live and who's going to die (for the most part), yet i am still gripped at every moment. ...and those damn d.i. jokes still haven't gotten old. now, let's just see if my opinion changes once i get to the disowned seasons, post gough + milar...

school's out for summah!

as the minute hand clicks its way to 3:37, then back to 3:36, and then finally to 3:38 for the final bell of the school year, aggrocrag (the sentient blog) salivates at the idea of being given attention once again. so here's my vow to do so. ...and to bring content of actual significance. so with that, let us begin...

Thursday, March 12, 2009


jesus christ, graduate school--stop killing all my blogs!

of course, all it takes is a new south park season (and maybe some spring break) to bring us back into action.
after the controversy surrounding their potential display of the profit mohammad, i'm shocked south park got away with displaying the american profit mickey without us hearing about it beforehand. notorious for their rapidity in suing anyone who displays a trademark in any sort of way (example: preschools), disney is sure to get a bit annoyed over south park's anti-christian, hitler-meets-napoleon version of their iconic anthropomorph. but maybe the higher-ups at mouse will realize any law suit will just fuel matt n' trey's fire; maybe this will go ignored.
either way--brilliant comeback with very littler cartman is a good sign for things to come. let's see where this goes next.

that malcolm thing, described below, will come eventually--i just need to wait for the cycle to reset.

i've moved on to the shield now (almost done with season 3), and am catching up with dexter (half way through 2). both are very strong. mad men as well.

the new season of degrassi has been fantastic. and flight of the conchords s2 is kicking the living crap out of s1, which is an impressive feat.

east bound and down: weak first three episodes, although you could see something good was brewing. amazing fourth episdoe. david gordon mothaffffffudgin green.

24's new season has been almost as good as the first three, and the last episode was one of the best yet. they've finally taken it back to where it needs to be.

tim and eric have outdone themselves 50-fold this season.

best show you're not watching: deeper throat. showtime porn reality show about remaking the 70s classic.

breaking bad season 2. cued up on my tivo....NOW.

Monday, December 8, 2008

puck you, miss!

ok, okay, oh kay--i've been a bit slow at updating lately. but you try doing this grad school thing. and the other bloggers haven't shown their faces in years. so there will be more coming. including a mini-essay on malcom in the middle. and by "mini-essay" i more mean "missive." but something. not yet, but soon.

for now, let me just tackle californicatin's finalie, which really was more like a season 3 finalie, with season 2's finalie being the second to last episode. seriously--they skipped an entire season of plot and just gave us the wrap up, but it would have been a kind of boring season, so i'm glad they did. still--quite a long progression. it'll be interesting to see where they go with this, because right now it seems extremely predictable (meaning going anywhere else that's sensible and good will be very impressive and welcomed).

in other news, henry jenkis is coming to usc. BOI!

Monday, November 10, 2008

what what whaaaaa?!?!!

obviously last week's south park must be discussed. and that odd but amusing it's always sunny should be mentioned (and now has been). but first--

summer heights high. worst advertising campaign of all time, but a rare free half hour on sunday led me to watching, and i was blown away. the best mocumentary style show yet, perfectly capturing these personalities. possibly the best pilot i've ever seen. start watching if you aren't.

and 'park. less than 24 hour turn around? how'd they do that? my guess: they assumed obama was going to win (and figured if he didn't they'd just do the episode anyways and bite the bullet?), made the episode's shell, and fought like hell to get the details in in time. whatever the case, a great episode.

and entourage continues like it's been all season. awesome.

my apologies that this blog has become only about two or three shows. more to come as soon as there's time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


lots to update.


a few years ago, when time/newsweek/otherfakeishnewsmagazine came out with a barak cover and the question: is he our next president, i remember being ecstatic that the question could even be asked. never could i have dreamed that the answer would be yes. thank god, america. faith is restored.

now, on to the show.

the last two episodes of the office have been unreal good. so, so awkward, yet so perfect. they've gotten back to their roots by moving on--if that makes sense.

entourage: another two great ones. ari handled the offer semi-perfectly (i'd have liked to have seen him take the job, but this works, too), and smokejumpers has the makings of a great arc. and all of the characters have for the first time in the show's history REALLY hit their strides. let's see how this all plays out.

south park. two weeks ago: abysmal. confusing as all hell. as a huge pan flute comedy fan (check my track record), i found this to be a terrible use of a potentially brilliant set piece. and stan's dad? but it was all just a setup for one of the most brilliant episodes of the past few years. bravo. all i couldn't understand--why send the kids to peru? why not just send them somewhere else? or kill them? if you know craig's the key, why even put him in the same country as the lock? amazing, though.

it's always sunny. rob thomas and sinbad's episode was just kind of confusing--the least sensible one yet (which is saying a lot), but still hysterical. last week's, however, with the mail room jobs and dee's heart attack, is among the best ever. it was politically poignant ("we don't have government provided health care in this country?! what is this, socialism?") and hysterical (charlie, as per usual, was unreal).

24's on its way back, as is breaking bad. --or breaking bad might already be back, actually. i really should be more on top of all this.

Monday, October 20, 2008


and entourage? oh BOY entourage. he's not going to take the offer, but he should...


i haven't enjoyed an snl episode in years, but living with ben kramer you can't help but catch an episode or two every so often. the season premiere was perhaps the worst of all time, but this past week's actually made me laugh. raging liberal alec baldwin had a chance to say all he wanted to sarah palin's face (whose appearance should barely even be considered an appearance, although seeing her attempt to dance during weekend update was priceless), mcgruber was a hysterical allegory, and a pierre escargot-inspired kenan pseudo frenchman made an appearance. i was a bit shocked, however, how frequently they referenced the terrible economy--an attempt to influence palin fans who were watching? or just rubbing it in the face of americans saving money by staying home this saturday with their families?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

reDOMption, south park e2, it's always sunny kidnapping

the unwelcome return of dom to entourage--even if it was a sendoff--comes in the middle of the most formulaic episode of this otherwise stellar season. back to the e/vince turtle/drama mode, which they thankfully (like with dom) cut the ties with before it got too far. i'll mark this one up to doug ellen doing a friend from home a favor (at the wga he said dom, who basically plays himself, was getting heckled on the street because of his "character." the title says it all...), and we'll move on...

south park's second of the season (breast cancer) is among the best of all time. they returned to the bare bone of their strength and made an episode about the innerworkings of eric cartman. it felt...real. for the first time in a long time.

...which is the exact pattern i've been expressing fear it's always sunny was falling into, but tonight's--the first without devito since he started--dispelled that notion. the indian neighbor's arch was perfect.

a good week for television on the whole.

Friday, October 10, 2008

true bood, entourage

almost a week late, but here's an update on those HBO showz:

true blood is getting good. and good--because it looked from the beginning like it was squandering all of the potential in the world. crazy, redefining ending to last episode, though. let's keep a close eye on this one.

entourage--tripping in j-tree. amazing. i'd heard about this episode a while ago when i saw doug ellen speak at the wga, and it followed through on expectations. fantastic. truly.

new seasons: south park, degrassi

while last night's south park season premiere was great--doing right by the cartman butters formula it so recently did wrong by--, i'm afraid it's suffering from the same syndrome as described for it's always sunny below: it doesn't seem novel anymore (and it did for a long, long time). still, it wasn't nearly as terrible feeling as last season, and the episode itself was funny enough for this to be mostly overlooked. it's just ominous--that's all.

degrassi continues to go there, despite an almost entirely unrecognizable cast. it's as though they're slowly transitioning into generation 3 (or 4?) instead of taking a long gap. goodbye everyone we know and love, hello gifted class. i see the potential for great things here, though.

it's always sunny in philadelpiha

the new season is doing well, but it may be in danger of acknowledging its own goodness soon and getting too full of itself. the hour-long episode (as opposed to the almost-normal back-to-back) last week was weak, although charlie's butt eating monologue was amazing, and this week's poop-search was fantastic, but for the third time this season it relied too much on itself (green man; repeated, more often than usual visits by the waitress; etc). i'm still loving it, but i hope the end of that isn't as in sight as it may appear...

Monday, September 29, 2008

up in 'dem california GUTS

californication premiere sucked. but it may just be a setup for a season, so we won't judge it yet as a legit episode.

entourage continues its streak.

GUTS is back--in some form. so far, positive reviews, although i haven't seen it.

and how have we forgotten to mention man bites dog? best missed show on TV since stella. check it out on itunes.